Tag Archives: hakone gardens

Hakone Gardens.

Next week is finals week at our school, so it’s been a long weekend. To sort off alleviate some of the stress from me and my sister (a freshman at my high school), my mom thought it be right to bring us to the most zen place she could find. Hakone Gardens was that place. This relaxing spot is a traditional Japanese garden in our area. They claim to be the oldest Japanese-style residential garden in the Western Hemisphere, so it’s place worth visiting. Now the part that matters: photo taking opportunities. Full of them! I found subjects left and right, also it was very green there which brought out a mood in my photos that I haven’t seen before. In the garden they had a walk-around replica of a traditional Japanese home, which was packed with cool patterns.

The other unique thing to photograph were these statues placed all over the garden. I’m really not sure what they are, or why there were there, but they worked as great subjects. Also on this study break/mini photography trip I brought my new Nikon FE (the one from my previous post), and I completed my ILFORD roll. I’m pretty excited to see how those came out. If they’re nice, I’ll post them. Here’s the last picture of one of these statues. Thanks for stopping by!

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